Calvary Community Drive-Thru Church
Est 2020
Built in honor of those who have suffered a loss during Covid-19.
As of May 6, 2020 due to Covid-19, churches in Washington State were allowed to host drive-in and drive-thru events that ranged from services, to prayer or communion. Calvary Community Church wanted to create something for people to look forward to, that honored God and those who had suffered a loss during Covid-19. To date, we have yet to meet as a church because of sheer numbers and not wanting to exclude part of our congregation.
For 30 years there has been a sign out front that says, “Come as you are, you’ll be loved.” Now in front of the NEW Calvary Community Drive-Thru Church, it reads “Drive-thru as you are, you’ll be loved” . . .
Q13 News Comes to the Drive-Thru Church
something we take very seriously. Calvary continues to be a God loving, Bible-believing community, serving everyone kind of church. We have had a strong online presence and people have been connecting over Zoom, Tele-Care and social media…God has been on the move daily and Calvary has never been considered “closed.” We have always been open, just doing ministry different. In fact, we might make the claim that people are closer now than ever before. We are meeting for group online, attending services with our families at home or where it is convenient, and a community is coming together!
Together with our community this big idea for a little drive-thru church became a reality. The idea started on May 27, 2020 and by the next day it was approved by Calvary leadership and 9 volunteers showed up to devise a plan. Our volunteers included an engineer, a design team, and multiple contractors. Three days later there were 20+ volunteers from Calvary that wanted to get involved. Within a week we realized we were going to be over budget and to do this with excellence we needed to think outside of the box. Lead Pastor Ray Armstrong always says, “Excellence honors God and inspires people.” We are happy to report that a project that could have been $40,000 ended up only costing 10% of that due to donations from 15 local businesses.
Calvary is part of the Open in Sumner Coalition, which is a group started by the city to safely re-open Sumner and bring awareness to those who live, shop and work in the community. It is a time where businesses, organizations and people need to innovate to thrive and cope with what is going on. It is also a time where unity is so important. This community of 10,000 people has come together for something that is so much bigger than themselves. Hope . . . and they are excited for what tomorrow will bring. Calvary is excited for this little drive-thru church to mark a date in time, to look back and remember that God was always in control and that people were meant to come together as neighbors.
The Calvary Community Drive-Thru Church will be open to the public to drive through after the dedication service on July 1st and from then on 7 days a week (unless a private event is scheduled). We hope you will come as you are, in your car!
Share with us on social! #wearecalvarystrong #drivethruchurch #experiencesumner #openinsumner