Practicing the Way – Scripture

May 21 7:00 pm

Each Practice comes with four session videos, which include short teachings and breaks for discussion, as well as a companion guide with weekly spiritual exercises, recommended reading, and additional resources to help your group create life-changing daily rhythms as you apprentice under Jesus together.

This season we will be offering the 4- week practice of Scripture.

The library we call “the Bible” can connect us to God and change who we are, but distraction, hurry, and confusion can hinder our experience with these ancient texts. Rediscover how to engage Scripture as an apprentice to Jesus.

Taking place on Wednesday nights at 7pm:

– Week 1: May 21st

– Week 2: May 28th

– Week 3: June 4th

– Week 4 : June 11th

Ending with a Celebration on June 13th at 6:30pm.

Cost: $20 per person to cover the printed material and dinner at our Celebration.

Session 1: Read – Learn why following Jesus and immersing our minds in Scripture are inseparable and how to read with a heart posture attuned to his presence.

Session 2: Meditate- The digital age teaches us to read quickly and move on, but the library of Scripture was created for slow, prayerful reflection so that God’s thoughts inhabit our minds completely.

Session 3: Study- The library of Scripture isn’t easy to understand. The process of learning what the text says — to the original audience and to us today — helps us listen to God and obey whatever he says.

Session 4: Memorize- In the age of easy access to information, we’ve lost something crucial: the practice of storing truth deep in our bodies, so that we can anchor ourselves to an “inner library” of passages throughout the day.

If you have questions, email Emmalee at [email protected]