Women’s Ministry- Songs Of Spring Ballet
March 30, 2023 6:30 pm
“Songs of Spring” A beautiful Ballet presented by Paradosi Ballet Company!
Ladies! We are so excited that we have been able to reschedule our previously postponed Christmas Party. We will be celebrating the “Songs of Spring” on Thursday, March 30th. The event will kick off at 7PM and the doors will open at 6:30PM for seating in the Sanctuary. If you have previously purchased a ticket for the Women’s Christmas Party – your ticket is valid for this event! IF you didn’t get to buy tickets for the Christmas Party and you wanted to – you can purchase tickets for the Songs of Spring using the link provided below. The ticket cost is $15.000 per person and space is limited, but we would LOVE to have you!
This is an amazing event to invite your unchurched friends to, they will love it. We encourage you to come early and enjoy some appetizers, some yummy refreshments and more. For the event portion, we will be able to sit back, relax and enjoy and a beautiful Ballet presented by Paradosi. The age we recommend for this event is pre-teen and older, please remember this is a professional ballet and we do not want the environment to be distracting. Childcare is available upon request and on an as need bases.
To purchase a ticket or find out more information register online.
We can’t wait to see you!
Questions? Email Tiffany@wearecalvary.com