Women’s Spring Flourish
March 27 7:00 pm
Let’s be honest: Have you ever said, or heard another woman say, “I don’t get along with women, I have mostly guy friends.” Well, the women of Calvary are breaking through this stereotype and finding joy and freedom in relationships with other women. By creating safe environments, women learn to trust in ways that are transforming. By creating non-judgmental environments, ladies learn to be real and share the secret parts of their inner life. By creating transparent community, women experience life-changing friendships and freedom in new and exciting ways.
Striving to create a safe place where women can be honest, share their struggles and in turn experience an authentic joy-filled community.
We believe life change happens best in small groups of 6-10 ladies doing life together. You can get involved in a Life Group by registering for our next session of Rooted. Rooted is Calvary’s spiritual formation pathway and is a 10-week experience of studying the Word, practicing prayer, and learning to live out Christianity in your daily life. If you are interested in a Women’s Group outside of Rooted, or you need connecting in general we have a spot for you! Please fill out THIS FORM and our very own Mary Peters will be in contact with you!
Throughout the year, we host a variety of events that are fun and a great opportunity for women to bring their family and friends. Join us for any of them! We have everything from Women’s Conferences to quarterly Women’s nights, and various other events throughout the year! Stay tuned on the Web and Social Media to see more.
Brave Enough Groups search for answers to questions such as, "Why do I keep doing the things I don’t want to do?" These groups provide a safe place to find community and answers to life’s challenging questions.
Moms, we believe that the work you are doing in raising your kids is one of the most important jobs there is. JAM (Just Among Moms) is a group that exists to support and encourage you while you do this important (often difficult) work! We believe that being part of a larger group, having experienced mentor moms to bounce questions off of and having kid-free time are all essential elements of JAM. All moms of every age and stage are welcome!
JAM is a safe place where moms are free to have their own parenting style and make their own parenting choices without fear of judgement. We believe that God has given you unique children who sometimes require unique parenting.
We believe that there is power in laughing together! We want JAM to be a place where we can laugh and have fun as well as share our struggles with each other. You can expect to come and enjoy the company of women who have walked where you’ve walked.
Our goal at JAM is to see moms mentoring moms. Not only do we have designated “mentor moms” to help guide us through the journey of motherhood, but we value our discussion time in groups as we support, share and learn from each other.
We believe that God has a special purpose for moms within the family and that we have been created to flourish, not just survive. JAM is a place where we can glean both practical and spiritual knowledge, pray together and grow together.
JAM (Just Among Moms) is a safe place where moms of all ages and stages can find acceptance, community, and mentorship regardless of parenting style or background, while being encouraged to grow in both practical and spiritual ways. JAM meets two Tuesdays a month from 9:30-11:30am, September through June. Each JAM meeting includes a relevant speaker, panel, or activity as well as small group discussion time with your assigned group. Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Click button below to register!
Remember to keep flourishing in your community with our great new women's merchandise. We've got versatile "dad fit" hats, stylish mugs for your coffee and cocoa and stickers too.